The Power of the Puzzle


31 August 2013 by Suffering Recovery

There are many great distractions out there to help in times of need.

But I think an old fashioned Jigsaw is one of the greatest!  It helps you get into a more mindful state as you have to focus on the task at hand.  If you don’t, then the puzzle doesn’t get done.

Jellybean PuzzleAbstract Puzzle

It’s also one you can do over time, come and go as needed, and a great activity you can do as a family or with friends…everyone pitches in a piece as they walk past.  Have some music playing in the background or the television running, and it can help reduce the level of distress as you senses are engaged in other activities.  Give it a try…you might be surprised!

Let me know how you go! Does doing a jigsaw puzzle help you?? Or does it just anger you when you can’t find the piece?  Love to hear your thought!

Underwater Puzzle   GOOD LUCK!!

One thought on “The Power of the Puzzle

  1. Tertia says:

    Definitely. Also cutting out pictures for collages, coloring with crayons, and other things that “normal” people my age don’t think are cool. But I can’t afford to be fussy about clean ways to bring some pleasure into my brain.

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